Subject to the availability of funds, the Warren County Foundation shall make one or more Impact Grants usually in December of each year, of not less than $10,000 each. The Foundation has awarded five $10,000 Impact Grants in 2021. During the first five years of the program, 23 Impact Grants have been awarded. Impact Grants are one of the goals of the 2016 strategic plan for the Foundation. The Foundation has awarded five $10,000 Impact Grants in 2021, including:
- Beech Acres Parenting Center – With a $10,000 grant from the Foundation, Beech Acres Parenting Center will grow and refine the Beyond the Classroom program in Warren County during the 2021-2022 academic year. Embedded within the schools, the program will provide trauma-informed care for children’s behavioral, emotional, and mental health and parental peer support issues.
- Big Brothers Big Sisters of Greater Cincinnati – The program merged with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Warren County in January 2018. United Way of Warren County pledged to continue support for the program, which is no longer available. BBBSGC have secured a $50,000 match per year for three years from TQL to support the program in Warren County. A $10,000 grant will help toward the match for programming in Warren County.
- Countryside YMCA – The Veterans Connect program at the YMCA provides a way for the Y to serve those who have sacrificed, served, and defended our nation by providing them with a free comprehensive program aimed at improving their overall wellbeing and quality of life. Weekly class for veterans will be held every Wednesday with physical activity workouts, activities that foster comradery, and mental and spiritual health resources. The program will start in January and run throughout 2022.
- PEACOC – Parents Empowering All Children of Color – PEACOC continues to move forward with informational and educational activities in the Springboro area. The group is partnering with the Warren County Foundation. The two organizations ran a six-week pilot program, Living Undivided, in October and November, 2021, in the Springboro area. The purpose is to move people from avoidance into relationships that close racial divides. The six-week cohort involved 30 community members (half are white and half are minorities). Another cohort will be scheduled in Springboro during 2022 and additional cohorts are planned across the County.
- WCCS Inc. Adult New Readers – The Warren County Imagination Library continues to do an outstanding job of getting free age-appropriate books in the homes of young children. Families reading together is one of their primary goals. Unfortunately, not every parent can read to their child. The objective of this proposal is for Adult New Readers to teach parents to read the WCIL books and enhance and expand the reading suggestions in the parent’s packet included with each book.