Scholarships are an incredible source of financial assistance for college students. Unlike loans, scholarship funds are free money usually earned by students based on need or achievement. That means you don’t have to pay them back over time – an assurance that can vastly reduce financial stress and help you focus more academic studies. For the donor, the satisfaction of paying it forward and helping students achieve their dreams is powerful.
In 2023, the Warren County Foundation has helped to award 105 scholarships from 28 funds totaling more than $196,000. The scholarships are awarded in nine high schools across Warren County. Scholarship funds are established to honor and memorialize Individuals, families and groups, organizations and businesses, etc.
“Working with the Warren County Foundation to manage our local scholarship program is one of the best decisions we could have made. Setting up the fund was simple, and we have been impressed with the ease of awarding our first four scholarships through the Foundation this year. We are excited to be able to focus on growing the scholarship program now because we are confident that the Warren County Foundation is managing the administrative details for us.”
—Karen and Tony DeRosa, Owners of Class 101 -Dayton, Excellence is a Habit Scholarship Fund
Contact the Warren County Foundation to establish your scholarship fund. You can call 513-934-1001 or e-mail [email protected]. We are here to assist you!!
In 2023, the Warren County Foundation has helped to award 105 scholarships from 28 funds totaling more than $196,000. The scholarships are awarded in nine high schools across Warren County. Scholarship funds are established to honor and memorialize Individuals, families and groups, organizations and businesses, etc.
“Working with the Warren County Foundation to manage our local scholarship program is one of the best decisions we could have made. Setting up the fund was simple, and we have been impressed with the ease of awarding our first four scholarships through the Foundation this year. We are excited to be able to focus on growing the scholarship program now because we are confident that the Warren County Foundation is managing the administrative details for us.”
—Karen and Tony DeRosa, Owners of Class 101 -Dayton, Excellence is a Habit Scholarship Fund
Contact the Warren County Foundation to establish your scholarship fund. You can call 513-934-1001 or e-mail [email protected]. We are here to assist you!!